Q3 Financial Check-In: Are You on Track to Meet Your Business Goals?

As we move through the third quarter of the year, it's an ideal time for business owners to conduct a financial check-in. This practice can help ensure that your business is on track to meet its goals, identify areas for improvement, and make any necessary adjustments before year-end.

1. Review Your Financial Statements

Start by taking a close look at your financial statements, including your profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. These documents provide a snapshot of your business's financial health. Ask yourself:

  • Are your revenues and profits in line with your projections?

  • Are there any unexpected expenses or losses?

  • Is your cash flow sufficient to cover your operating costs?

2. Assess Your Budget vs. Actuals

Compare your actual financial performance against your budget for the year. This can help you identify any significant variances and understand why they occurred. For example, if your expenses are higher than anticipated, you need to adjust your spending or find ways to increase revenue.

3. Evaluate Your Cash Flow

Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Ensure that your inflows and outflows are balanced and that you have enough cash reserves to cover any unforeseen expenses. If you notice any cash flow issues, now is the time to address them by improving your invoicing process, renegotiating payment terms, or cutting non-essential expenses.

4. Revisit Your Goals

Review the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Are you on track to achieve them? If not, consider what changes you can make to get back on course. This might involve adjusting your strategies, setting new priorities, or even revising your goals based on current market conditions.

5. Plan for the Remainder of the Year

With your Q3 review complete, it's time to plan for the rest of the year. Set specific, measurable goals for the final quarter and outline the steps needed to achieve them. Consider any upcoming opportunities or challenges and how they might impact your business.

6. Seek Professional Guidance

If you're unsure about any aspect of your financial review or need help interpreting your financial statements, consider reaching out to a professional bookkeeper. They can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions to keep your business on track.


A quarterly financial check-in is a powerful tool for ensuring that your business stays on course. By taking the time to review your financials, assess your progress, and make necessary adjustments, you can position your business for a strong year.

Remember, consistent and accurate bookkeeping is key to making informed decisions. If you need assistance, F.A.B Bookkeeping is here to help you navigate through the financial chaos and turn it into financial clarity. Let's work together to achieve your business goals!


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